Sunday, April 20, 2014

14.04.20 Easter sunrise service Bilingual

The service consisted of three parts at three stations:
—the new light (west side of patio)
—the Word (east side of patio, around the wooden cross)
—baptismal renewal (at the pergola)

Participants were recruited in the moment.
Songs were from our repertoire of Alleluias, chosen spontaneously.

Prep: flowers in bucket, pitcher for shell, shell, sand in basin, cloth over table, lilies from sanctuary, tea candles, Paschal candle, spot for Paschal candle, cloth for cross (Via Crucis), noisemakers, sparklers, pinwheels, bubbles, etc.

Gathering Song:  (Ed et al.)

Welcome and Prayer (EGZ)

Sun salutations or the like (EGZ)

Rehearsal (Ed and/or EGZ)
         Singing demo
                 The light of Christ
                 La luz de Cristo

                 Alleluia!  Christ is risen
                 Aleluya! Cristo resucito
         Recruit readers

Frame this station (EGZ)
Talking points:
         Gather here to celebrate resurrection – the light in the darkness – fire of Resurrection, life swallowing death – proclaiming resurrection, and remember the renewing waters of baptism
Lighting and blessing of fire – fire of resurrection – a light in the darkness

Lighting of Paschal Candle – carry the light of ressurection into this service and into our church life
         Invite someone to light candle and carry to next station
         Pass the flame to others

One:  The light of Christ!
All:  The light of Christ!
Uno/a:  La luz de Cristo!
Todos/as:  La luz de Cristo!

Procession with drums

At next station
One:  The light of Christ!
All:  The light of Christ!
Uno/a:  La luz de Cristo!
Todos/as:  La luz de Cristo!


Frame: Word of God proclaiming resurrection

Invite Spanish and English readers to read Isaiah

On this mountain God will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines, of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear. And God will destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast over all peoples, the sheet that is spread over all nations; God will swallow up death forever. Then the God will wipe away the tears from all faces, and the disgrace of his people God will take away from all the earth, for God has spoken.
It will be said on that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, so that he might save us. This is the God for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in God’s salvation.

En el monte Sión, Dios todopoderoso preparará para todas las naciones un banquete con ricos manjares y vinos añejos, con deliciosas comidas y los más puros vinos.  En este monte Dios destruirá el velo que cubría a todos los pueblos, el manto que envolvía a todas las naciones.  Dios destruirá para siempre la muerte, secará las lágrimas de los ojos de todos y hará desaparecer en toda la tierra la deshonra de su pueblo.  Dios lo ha dicho.
En ese día se dirá:  «Éste es nuestro Dios, en Dios confiamos y Dios nos salvó.  Alegrémonos, gocémonos, Dios nos ha salvado.»

Brief explanation, then sing Psalm 118 echo style
O give thanks to God, for God is good;

porque su amor es eterno.

God is my strength and my might;

¡Dios es mi Salvador!

I shall not die, but I shall live,

para contar lo que Dios ha hecho!

The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.

Esto lo ha hecho nuestro Dios, y estamos maravillados.

This is the day that God has made;

¡estemos hoy contentos y felices!

Invite Spanish and English “women” and “young man” to read Mark (EGZ & MPB narrate)

Narrator:  Pasado el sábado, María Magdalena, María la madre de Santiago, y Salomé, compraron perfumes para perfumar el cuerpo de Jesús. Y el primer día de la semana fueron al sepulcro muy temprano, apenas salido el sol, diciéndose unas a otras:

Mujer:—¿Quién nos quitará la piedra de la entrada del sepulcro?

Narrator:  Pero, al mirar, vieron que la piedra ya no estaba en su lugar. Esta piedra era muy grande. Cuando entraron en el sepulcro vieron, sentado al lado derecho, a un joven vestido con una larga ropa blanca. Las mujeres se asustaron, pero él les dijo:

Joven:—No se asusten. Ustedes buscan a Jesús de Nazaret, el que fue crucificado. Ha resucitado; no está aquí. Miren el lugar donde lo pusieron. Vayan y digan a sus discípulos, y a Pedro: “Él va a Galilea para reunirlos de nuevo; allí lo verán, tal como les dijo.”

Narrator:  Entonces las mujeres salieron huyendo del sepulcro, pues estaban temblando, asustadas. Y no dijeron nada a nadie, porque tenían miedo.

Narrator:  When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. They had been saying to one another,

Woman:  “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?”

Narrator:  When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them,

Young man:  “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.”

Narrator:  So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.

Prayer (MPB & EGZ)

Unveil/adorn cross


Invite someone to carry Paschal candle

Procession with drums

At next station
One:  The light of Christ!
All:  The light of Christ!
Uno/a:  La luz de Cristo!
Todos/as:  La luz de Cristo!


Frame baptism in context of Easter (Dead to sin and alive in Christ)

When we were dead in our sins, God made us alive with Christ.
Through our baptism, we were buried with Christ, so too are we raised with him by the power of God – so that we too may live a new life.

Cuando estábamos muertos en nuestros pecados, Dios nos dio vida juntamente con Cristo.
A través de nuestro bautismo, hemos sido sepultados con Cristo, así también nosotros estamos resucitados con él, por el poder de Dios - para que también nosotros vivamos una vida nueva.

Renewal liturgy
         Invite two people to lead the Renunciations
One:  Do you accept God’s call to resist evil, injustice and oppression in whatever guise they present themselves?
Uno/a:  ¿Aceptan ustedes el llamado de Dios a resistir el maligno, la injusticia y la opresión en cualquier forma que ellos se presenten?

One:    Do you truly and earnestly recognize your human limits and brokenness and desire to grow in grace?
Uno/a:  ¿Reconcen ustedes verdadera y honestamente sus limites y sus fallas como seres humanos, así como su deseo de crecer en gracia?

One:  Do you accept Jesus as the symbol of unconditional grace, the source of your freedom to act – to act boldly – in this world?
Uno/a:  ¿Aceptan usteded a Jesús como el símbolo incondicional de gracia, la fuente de su libertad para actuar – para actuar con ahinco en este mundo?

         Confession of faith
Uno: ¿Creemos en Dios, creador?
One: Do we believe in God, creator?

Uno: ¿Creemos en Jesús, hijo de Dios?
One: Do we believe in Jesus, God’s child?

Uno: ¿Creemos en el Espíritu Santo, aliento de Dios?
One: Do we believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s breath?

Uno: ¿Creemos en la comunidad del pueblo de Dios que llamamos la iglesia?
One: Do we believe in the community of God’s people which we call the church?

Uno: ¿Creemos que el Reino de Dios está aquí entre nosotros?
One: Do we believe that the Kingdom of God is here among us?

         Thanksgiving over water (paraphrase)EGZ
Dios Eterno, vuestro alimento y apoyo todos los seres vivos por el don del agua.
Recordamos a su espíritu que se mueve sobre el agua en la creación ... 
Eternal God, you nourish and sustain all living things by the gift of water. 
We remember your spirit moving over the water at creation
You brought Israel out of slavery through the waters of the sea
Dios tu sacó a Israel de la esclavitud a través de las aguas del mar -
In the waters of Jordan, Jesus was baptised - En las aguas del Jordán, Jesús fue bautizado
By the baptism of his own death and resurrection, Christ set us free from sin and death. We thank you God, for the water of Baptism. 
- Por el bautismo de su propia muerte y resurrección, Cristo nos ha liberado del pecado y la muerte. Te damos gracias a Dios, porque el agua del Bautismo.
En el agua, somos sepultados con Cristo en su muerte,
Desde que se nos lleva a participar de su resurrección.
A través del agua, nacemos de nuevo por el poder del Espíritu Santo.
In the waters of baptism we are buried with Christ in his death,
From it we are raised to share in his resurrection. 
Through it we are reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Dip candle

Renewal ritual
In baptism and resurrection – may you live a new life
En el bautismo y la resurrección - puede vivir una nueva vida

At conclusion of ritual, repeat as necessary, Bells, noisemakers, kites, sparklers, etc.

Alleluia!  Christ is risen!
Aleluya!  Cristo resucito!



The Peace

Drums ad lib

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