Sunday, April 29, 2012

12.04.29 Easter 4B Image

Art by one of our children.

12.04.29 Easter 4B Reflection

To become a good shepherd is to come out of the shell of selfishness in order to be attentive to those for whom we are responsible so as to reveal to them their fundamental beauty and value and help them to grow and become fully alive.
Jean Vanier, Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John

12.04.29 Easter 4B English

Prelude:  Pastorale, op. 19 (César Franck)
Hymn:  Easter Gloria (Marty Haugen/O FILII ET FILIAE, traditional French) GC **
Call to Worship
One: Listen, God is calling you!
All: We hear the cries of the hungry children in our community and around our world.
One: Look, God is seeking you!
All: We see the homeless in our streets and shelters in need.
One: Reach out, God is taking your hand!
All: We feel the hands of youth reaching out in need of help, guidance and friendship.
One: Search your heart, God is calling you!
All: The home-bound and the sick are in need of our prayers and companionship.
One: Listen, God is calling you!
All: We hear You, O God! We see You, O God! We feel You and we perceive You, O God!
Come, let us worship God, who calls us into this world to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.
Song:  It all depends (Colin Gibson) source
Prayer of Confession
Let us come to God, trusting the tireless mercy which ever awaits us. Let us pray.

One:  God our most holy Friend, we come before you as wanderers who need to come home to familiar ground and saving grace.
All:  God have mercy. 

One:  We come compromised from seeking a living in a ruthless world, in need of facing our failures and regaining our bearings.
All:  Christ have mercy.

One:  We come seeking that shepherd-love that gives back sanity and self respect; the shepherd-love that gives second chances, and new lives.
All:  Lord have mercy. 

One:  And now, holy Friend, please lift us out of our pre-occupation with our own needs
All:  Allow us to trust you with all that is past and to commit to you all that is to come.

One:  Make us joyful in all the goodness we have received from your hands.
All:  And let us seek the same grace and joy for those who live and work beside us.

One:  Create in us a new gratitude for all people who are loving, true and beautiful.
All:  Awaken in us a longing for the qualities of Christ Jesus

One:  Please make us aware of the mighty crowd of people surrounding us, both past and present, and all those who are yet to come, who trust, love and worship you, world without end.
All:  Through Christ Jesus our Saviour. Amen!

—Silent reflection—

One:  Family of the Most High God, by the priceless mercy of Christ we are a new breed, forgiven and restored to declare the wonderful works of the God who brings us out of darkness into light.
All:  Thanks be to God!
Song of Praise:  Psalm 34, verse 1 (adapted John Bell/TALLA CRIOSDH, traditional Scots Gaelic) * **
Prayer of the Day
Gentle Shepherd, we know Your voice. We know Your call upon our lives. Open our ears and our hearts to answer Your call and to follow You, even when it is difficult, even when we do not want to. Help us to turn away from the voices of the world that call us to want more, to desire what others have, to work for earthly success. Call us again so we can hear Your voice and see Your face in the faces of our neighbors around us, so that we can help lead others to still waters and green pastures, where all have enough to eat and live. May we work towards Your vision of justice and peace in our world. In the name of Christ, our Good Shepherd, we pray. Amen.
Psalm 23
Alleluia  (Indonesia)
Gospel Reading:  John 10:11-18
Sermon:  Shepherding 101
Song:  Jesus the Christ says (based on the Gospel of John/Urdu traditional) NCH and internet

Affirmation of Faith
One:  We choose not to give in to fear:
All:  Even when we are threatened by violence and abuse,
we choose to believe in the power of love.

One:  We choose not to be led by despair:
All:  Even when dreams fail and the world seems to grow colder and more broken,
we choose to believe in the power of hope.

One:  We choose not to be blinded by cynicism:
All:  Even when joy and celebration feel naïve and frivolous,
we choose to believe in the power of faith.

One:  We choose not to be over-awed by death:
All:  Even when grief shuts out all other voices,
we choose to believe in the power of life.

One:  In every time,
in each place,
with all people,
All:  may your resurrection rise up within us,
and lead us to new, creative, healing choices.
Prayer Song:  Psalm 34, verse 3 (adapted John Bell/TALLA CRIOSDH, traditional Scots Gaelic) * **
Prayers of the People
Offerings (regular and food)
Song:  My shepherd is the living God (Isaac Watts/Calvin Hampton) ms.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn:  We are on the road (South African traditional)

*A cappella, the congregation singing the two supporting parts and the soprano cantor singing the melody.
** seasonal songs (Easter)

Tenor/Bass Guitar

12.04.29 Easter 4B Bilingual

Songs/Cantos:  Praise the Lord (Cameroonian) 
Cristo vive (Nicolás Martinez/Pablo Sosa) NCH *
Christ rose up (South African; English adapted by EM, Spanish by Magdalena Garcia) *
Canto:  Shepherd me, O God (Psalm 23/Marty Haugen) OC
Song/Canto:  God grant them many years/Dios muchos años dales (Russian polychronia) MfL
Moment for Stewardship
The Peace/La Paz
Canto:  Od yavo shalom (Seva) EM *†
Postlude/Posludio:  Offertoire in D minor (Louis-James-Alfred Lefébure-Wély)

*seasonal songs/canciones de temporada (Easter/Pascua)
†click here to hear this song

Soprano cantor
Tenor cantor
Tenor/Bass guitar

12.04.29 Easter 4B Español

Cantos:  Este es el día
Fuente de la vida eterna
(Robert Robinson/NETTLETON, Wyethe's Repository of Sacred Music) EHP
Por la mañana
(Alfredo Colón) EHP

Canto:  Allí está Jesús (Alberto Betel Giacumbo/SUS HECHOS, Pablo Sosa) EHP

Oración de confesión
Uno/a: Ahora entramos en el momento de confesión, con fe en la gracia abundante de Jesús. O Dios, tú te comprometiste a derramar bendiciones sobre nosotros/as,
Todas/os: Pero nos resistimos a dejar de lado lo que tenemos.
Una/o: Hemos puesto un candado a nuestros corazones y sentimientos,
Todos/as: Mientras tú compartes a tu preciado Hijo con nosotros/as.
Una/o: Tú nos llamas al hogar para cenar,
Todas/os: Y sin embargo, preferimos seguir jugando en las sombras de la vida. Perdónanos, O Dios de Bondad y Misericordia.
Uno/a: Úngenos con el aceite de tu gracia,
Todas/os: Hasta que nuestros corazones estén rebosantes de alabanza.
Una/o: Aliméntanos en tu mesa de gozo,
Todas/os: Para que podamos seguir a Jesucristo, nuestro Salvador, con corazones alegres y llenos de gracia.


Uno/a: Cristo mismo, en su cuerpo, llevó al madero nuestros pecados, para que muramos al pecado y vivamos para la justicia. Por sus heridas hemos recibido sanidad. Hermanas y hermanos, nuestros pecados han sido perdonados. Podemos vivir en paz.
Todos/as:  Demos gracias a Dios. Amén.
Canto de alabanza:  ¡Suelta la alegría! (Eseario Sosa Rodriguez) EHP
Oración para iluminación
Uno/a: O Dios, haz que nuestros oídos sean abiertos a tu palabra, y que todos nuestros pensamientos y reflexiones sean dignos para ti. Amén.
Aleluya (Honduras)
Evangelio:  Juan 10:11-18


Canto:  Grande es tu fidelidad
(Thomas Chisolm/FAITHFULNESS, William M. Runyan) EHP
Afirmación de fé (Una breve declaración de fé)

Canto de oración:  Aleluya (Jesús Adrian Romero, arr. EM)

Oraciones del pueblo


Canto:  Es Yahvé mis pastor (Salmo 23/Alfredo Morales) *
Cantos:  Yo viviré para que me uses (Afro-Americano) RR

Lluvias de gracia (Daniel W. Whittle/SHOWERS OF BLESSING, James McGranahan)



Sunday, April 22, 2012

12.04.22 Easter 3B English

Prelude:  Les enfants de Dieu (Olivier Messiaen)
Hymn:  Easter Gloria (Marty Haugen/O FILII ET FILIAE, traditional French) GC **
Call to Worship
One: We are witnesses,
All: to the love God has poured into us.
One: We are witnesses of God's love,
All: sharing it with each person we meet.
One: We are witnesses to everyone we encounter,
All: little children like us, sisters and brothers in God's family.
Song: I want to walk as a child of the light (HOUSTON, Kathleen Thomerson) 1982
Prayer of Confession
One:  We know how easy it is to trick ourselves into believing that every thought is pure, every act is just, every choice is correct. But if we want to be God's children, to grow in hope, to walk in the Light, we must admit our mistakes, so we may open ourselves to the healing mercy of God's love. Join me, please, as we pray together, saying,

All  Emptier of tombs, we find ourselves running down the street after lies, rather than walking with you. We find it easy to love other people, as long as they don't annoy or bother us. We hunger for love and search for affirmation, yet find it difficult to let others love us for who we are. Forgive us, Compassionate Heart. You listen to the whispers of our hearts, and then sing of the promises of hope. You grace us with peace, so our hearts can rest in you. You continue to transform us into Easter people, brothers and sisters of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

—Silent reflection—

One: Not everything has been revealed to us, but this we do know: as God's children, we are blessed, we are loved, we are forgiven.
All: Our lives have been transformed by the abundant mercy given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Song of Praise:  Psalm 34, verse 1 (adapted John Bell/TALLA CRIOSDH, traditional Scots Gaelic) * **
Prayer of the Day
Holy and righteous God,
you raised Christ from the dead
and glorified him at your right hand.
Let the words of scripture,
fulfilled in Jesus your Son,
burn within our hearts
and open our minds to recognize him
in the breaking of bread. Amen.
Sh'ma Israel (Max Helfman)
Reading from Hebrew Scripture:  Hosea 11:1-14 (non-lectionary)

Reading from the Early Church:  1 John 3:1-12
Sermon:  The aseity of God
Song:  Children of God (Bruce Harding) source

Affirmation of Faith Rev. Dr. Chuck Robertson
Consider the “aseity” of God the Father,
Completely free to love as a Mother!
For heavens above,
we know God is love,
And commands us to love one another!
Prayer Song:  Psalm 34, verse 3 (adapted John Bell/TALLA CRIOSDH, traditional Scots Gaelic) * **
Prayers of the People
Offerings (regular and food)
Song:  Blue green hills of earth (Kim Oler) JS
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn:  Creating God (Jeffery Rowthorne/EM)

*A cappella, the congregation singing the two supporting parts and the soprano cantor singing the melody.
** seasonal songs (Easter)

Tenor/Bass Guitar

12.04.22 Easter 3B Reflection

The resurrection does not solve our problems about dying and death. It is not the happy ending to our life's struggle, nor is it the big surprise that God has kept in store for us. No, the resurrection is the expression of God's faithfulness to Jesus and to all God's children. Through the resurrection, God has said to Jesus, "You are indeed my beloved Son, and my love is everlasting," and to us God has said, "You indeed are my beloved children, and my love is everlasting." The resurrection is God's way of revealing to us that nothing that belongs to God will ever go to waste. What belongs to God will never get lost.
~Henri J. M. Nouwen, Our Greatest Gift

12.04.22 Easter 3B Español

Cantos:  ¡Aleluya! demos gracias (Donald Fishel, ALLELUIA NO. 1)
Cantemos al creador
(Carlos Rosas) EHP
Cántale a Dios
(Héber Romero) EHP

Canto:  Allí está Jesús (Alberto Betel Giacumbo/SUS HECHOS, Pablo Sosa) EHP

Oración de confesión
Uno/a: La Biblia nos dice que toda persona que practica el pecado, comete un acto de rebelión. Dice que el pecar es rebelión. Por eso venimos hoy a confesarte nuestra rebeldía, una rebeldía que se manifiesta en que, en vez de comportarnos como tus hijos e hijas, vivimos de malacrianza en malacrianza, desobedeciendo tus mandatos, dándote la espalda, negando la conexión que tenemos contigo y permitiendo que las dudas nos alejen del amor tan grande que nos tienes.
Todos/as:  Ten compasión de tu pueblo oh Dios, y permite que nuestra relación contigo continúe fuerte, para que actuemos como personas que te conocemos. Amén.


Uno/a: Todas las personas que cometen pecado quebranta la ley; de hecho, el pecado es trasgresión de la ley. Pero nosotros y nosotras sabemos que Jesucristo se manifestó para quitar nuestros pecados. Escuchemos las buenas nuevas. En Jesucristo somos perdonados y perdonadas. ¡Paz a ustedes!
Todos/as:  Demos gracias a Dios. Amén.
Canto de alabanza:  ¡Suelta la alegría! (Eseario Sosa Rodriguez) EHP
Oración para iluminación
Dios de Gracia, no vivamos solo de pan sino de todo lo que sale de la boca de Dios. Danos hambre por su palabra, que nos alimenta en nuestro jornada de seguir a Jesus. Amen.
Aleluya (Honduras)


Canto:  La gracia sublime
(John Newton/NEW BRITAIN, U.S. traditional) EHP
Afirmación de fé (Una breve declaración de fé)

Canto de oración:  Dios está aquí

Oraciones del pueblo


Canto:  La creación (Alejandro Mayol, arr. EM) * **
Cantos:  Brota ya el retoño (John Macleod Campbell Crum/NOEL NOUVELET, villancico francés) RR

Toca la tierra (Shirley Erena Murray/TENDERNESS, Colin Gibson)

**click aquí para escuchar a este canción


Sunday, April 15, 2012

12.04.15 Easter 2B Image

Good Friday's cross adorned for Easter.

12.04.15 Easter 2B Reflection

Jesus invites each one of us, through Thomas, to touch not only his wounds, but those wounds in others and in ourselves, wounds that can make us hate others and ourselves and can be a sign of separation and division.  These wounds will be transformed into a sign of forgiveness through the love of Jesus and will bring people together in love.  These wounds reveal that we need each other.  These wounds become the place of mutual compassion, of indwelling and of thanksgiving.

We, too, will show our wounds when we are with him in the kingdom, revealing our brokenness and the healing power of Jesus.

~Jean Vanier, Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John

12.04.15 Easter 2B English

Prelude:  Grand Dialogue (Louis Marchand)
Hymn:  O sons and daughters (Jean Tisserand/O FILII ET FILIAE, traditional French) PH
Call to Worship LL
One: The Word of life spoke:
All: so we could hear the angels' 'Alleluias!'
One: The Word of life reached out:
All: so we could touch the hope which heals us.
One: The Word of life walked out of death's dread tomb:
All: so we could follow him into life forever.
Song: The first one ever to see your face (Linda Wilberger Egan) 1982
Prayer of Confession
One:  Faithful Christ, we confess to You that our faith waivers and falls short.
All:  We allow doubts and fears to enter our lives and control our choices.
One:  We doubt the goodness of our brothers and sisters.
All:  We doubt our own ability to be of any help or hope to the world.
One:  We doubt the basics of our faith, that forgiveness is available, and that we through Christ also have the power and grace to forgive others.
All:  Christ, forgive us for our doubts and fears.
One:  Forgive us when we hold back instead of letting go.
All:  Call us to Your path of faithfulness. In Your name we pray.

—Silent reflection—

One:  We have an advocate with God, in Jesus Christ, who forgives us and restores us. We are called away from the path of sin into the path of hope and reconciliation. May we invite others on the journey.
All:  Thanks be to God.  Amen.
Song of Praise:  Psalm 34, verse 1 (adapted John Bell/TALLA CRIOSDH, traditional Scots Gaelic) * **
Prayer of the Day
Holy and righteous God,
you raised Christ from the dead
and glorified him at your right hand.
Let the words of scripture,
fulfilled in Jesus your Son,
burn within our hearts
and open our minds to recognize him
in the breaking of bread. Amen.
Sh'ma Israel (Max Helfman)
Reading from Hebrew Scripture:  Deuteronomy 1:26-33 (non-lectionary) 
Alleluia (Indonesian) WCC

Gospel Reading:  John 20:24-29
Sermon:  Thomas: A doubter for our time
Affirmation of Faith Rev. Dr. Chuck Robertson
We have faith, not because we have seen, but because we have heard the word.
We believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Chosen One of God.
And through this faith, we have life in his name.
At times we are like Thomas—we have doubts and agonizing questions.
But in the end, God helps us to believe,
to be able to say of Jesus, now the risen Christ, “My Lord and my God!”
Song:  If you believe and I believe (Zimbabwean)
Offerings (regular and food)
Song:  I believe (Zehnder) ***
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn:  O sons and daughters

*A cappella, the congregation singing the two supporting parts and the soprano cantor singing the melody.
** seasonal songs (Easter)
***lyrics on the Zehnder website

Tenor/Bass Guitar