Sunday, August 5, 2012

12.08.05 Reflection

One early, cloudy morning when I was forty-six, I walked into a church, ate a piece of bread, took a sip of wine. … This was my first communion.  It changed everything.
Eating Jesus, as I did that day to my great astonishment, led me against all my expectations to a faith I’d scorned and work I’d never imagined.  The mysterious sacrament turned out to be not a symbolic wafer at all but actual food – indeed, the bread of life.  In that shocking moment of communion, filled with a deep desire to reach for and become part of a body, I realized that what I’d been doing with my life all along was what I was meant to do: feed people.
~Sara Miles, Take This Bread

Note:  this book is worth reading repeatedly.

12.08..05 Ordinary 18B English

Prelude:  Barcarolle (Camille Saint-Saëns)
Hymn:  All you who are thirsty (Isaiah 55/Michael Connolly) GC * 
Call to Worship RAEH
Tom:  If you come because you have much to be thankful for, or because you have been torn by the world and need healing, you are in the right place.

Elyse:  If you come because your deeds and words have added to the world’s misery, or because you feel you have betrayed your true self, you are in the right place.

Tim:  If you come with a love in your hearts for the Most High, a love which yearns to grow and spill over into your dealings with others, then you are certainly in the right place.

One:  The joy of Christ Jesus be with you all!
All:  And also with you!

Most loving God,
          you are the holy Joy that first sent the stars spinning across space,
          the creative Joy that destined life on this earth,
          the loving Joy that created humanity to crave for your fellowship,
          the redeeming Joy that became human flesh in Jesus of Nazareth,
          and the deathless Joy that promises to complete all that you have so wonderfully    commenced.

Scatter our doubts and stir any dismal spirits, that we may worship you with a joy which reflects your delight in all that you have made. Through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Song:  All who hunger, gather gladly (Sylvia Dunstan/BEACH SPRING, B. H. White)
Prayer of Confession LL
God longs for us to be faithful children, God begs us to live as role models for a world desperate for hope. But, we know how often we raise up trouble by our words, our actions, our failures. Let us speak truthfully in love about our lives, as we come to the One whose love is as constant as the air we breathe.

All:  We know the mistakes we have made, Just God, the harsh words we have spoken, the hurt we have inflicted on those around us. Like children who run from one distraction to another, we chase after the easy temptations of the world. Chewing on bread made out of the ashes of our brokenness, we act as if we were allergic to your Word. We continue to do all those things which break your hurt, not wanting to look in the mirror and see our true selves.
Forgive us, Cradler of Compassion. Grace us with the new life gifted in the Bread. Heal us with the joy and gladness of the Cup. Craft us new hearts, which beat with one another, and as one with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

—Silent reflection—

One:  Seeing our brokenness, God puts us back together; knowing our hunger for hope, God feeds us with Christ; hearing our prayers, God chooses to forgive us. Hear the Good News: we are forgiven.
All:  One hope, one faith, one baptism, one Body - these are the gifts God gives to us, in this moment and in all the moments to come. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Song of Praise:  Hallelujah to the Lamb (Uncle Willie and the Brandy Snifters) *
Prayer of the Day BDP
Most loving God, you have made us hungry for spiritual growth, and we remain malnourished until we receive the Bread of Life. Feed us now through your Son, that we may find boundless life possessing and strengthening us, enabling us to be your agents in this love-hungry world. Through Christ Jesus our true joy.  Amen!
Sh'ma Israel (Tsvika Pik)
Reading from Hebrew Scripture: Exodus 16:2-4, 11-15
Alleluia in 5 (Zehnder)
Gospel Reading:  John 6:24-35
Sermon:  The challenge in communion
Hymn:  Jesus the Christ says (from the Gospel of John/YISU NE KAHA, Urdu traditional) 
Affirmation of Faith
One:  I believe that bread comes from grain that grows in the wind and the rain with the farmer’s help far from the eyes of city folk.
All:  I believe that bread comes from love: the love of God, the love of the farmer, the love of the baker’s hands, the love of those who bring it to me.
One:  I believe that bread can be and should be broken and shared and given to all people until all have enough and then some.
All:  I believe that Jesus loved bread and took it and broke it and blessed it and fed his disciples and asked them to feed us forever.
One:  I believe enough in bread to want it from Jesus, to want it to nurture me, to want his life through it, to want to give life through it.
All:  I believe that his body as bread feeds me and as part of his body I want to be bread for others.  I believe the Spirit will help me as will the people of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer Song:  Drink living water (Colleen Fulmer and Rufino Zaragoza) F&C *
Prayers of the People
Song:  Bread for the World (Marty Haugen) Bread for the World web resources

*seasonal for Ordinary Time/August

Tenor cantor/guitar/percussion
Tenor cantor/bass guitar/percussion

12.08.05 Ordinary 18B Bilingual

Song/Canto:  Unidos en la fiesta (Joaquín Madurga) LLC
Song/Canto:  God grant them many years/Dios muchos años dales (Russian polychronia) MfL

Canto:  Bendice, Dios, nuestro pan (Federico Pagura) Iona
Invitation to the Table/Invitación a la mesa
Prayer of Thanksgiving/Acción de gracias BCW 1948?
Uno/a:  God dwells in you.
All:  And also in you.
Uno/a:  Come to the table with thankful hearts.
All:  We open our hearts to God and to one another.

One + Uno/a:  Let us pray: It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise, O Lord our God, creator and ruler of the universe.  In your wisdom you made all things and sustain them by your power.  Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with choirs of angels, with prophets, apostles and martyrs, and with all the faithful of every time and place who forever sing to the glory of your Holy name.

All + Todos/as: **
Santo, santo, santo, santo,
santo, santo es nuestro Dios,
santo en toda la tierra,
santo, santo es nuestro Dios.

Holy, holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy is our God.
Holy God of all of history,
holy, holy is our God.

Que acompaña a nuestro pueblo,
que viva en nuestras luchas;
del universo entero
el único gran Dios.

Blessed be those who in God’s name
declare the righteous Gospel,
good news of God’s salvation
and liberating hope.

Santo, santo, santo, santo,
santo, santo es nuestro Dios,
santo en toda la tierra,
santo, santo es nuestro Dios.

Holy, holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy is our God.
Holy God of all of history,
holy, holy is our God.

One + Uno/a:  Holy God: We praise you for your Son Jesus, who shared our weaknesses and was tempted in every way as we are; who obeyed you, suffering and dying for us.

You have raised him to rule the world and given him a name above every.  We praise him and we glorify you, great God, our eternal creator.  Now give us, we pray, your Holy Spirit in the breaking of bread, so that by your power we may be drawn together and made one in Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life.

With Christians through all ages, we lift our hearts to you, giving thanks and trusting you to use us as your people; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior.

All + Todos/as:  Amen.
One:  Dios habita en ustedes.
Todos/as:  Y también en ti.
One:  Vengan a la mesa con corazones agradecidos.
Todos/as:  Abrimos nuestros corazones a Dios y unos a otros.

Uno/a + One:  Oremos: Verdaderamente con gran alegría te damos gracias y te alabamos, O Dios, nuestro creador y regidor del universo.
En tu sabiduría hiciste todas las cosas y las mantienes con tu poder. Por lo tanto te adoramos  uniendo nuestras voces con coros de ángeles, con los profetas, apóstoles y mártires y con los fieles de todos los tiempos y cada lugar que cantan por siempre la gloria de tu santo nombre.

All + Todos/as: **
Santo, santo, santo, santo,
santo, santo es nuestro Dios,
santo en toda la tierra,
santo, santo es nuestro Dios.

Holy, holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy is our God.
Holy God of all of history,
holy, holy is our God.

Que acompaña a nuestro pueblo,
que viva en nuestras luchas;
del universo entero
el único gran Dios.

Blessed be those who in God’s name
declare the righteous Gospel,
good news of God’s salvation
and liberating hope.

Santo, santo, santo, santo,
santo, santo es nuestro Dios,
santo en toda la tierra,
santo, santo es nuestro Dios.

Holy, holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy is our God.
Holy God of all of history,
holy, holy is our God.

Uno/a + One:  Santo Dios, te alabamos por  tu hijo Jesús, que compartió nuestras debilidades y fue tentado en la misma manera que nosotros somos tentados, y que te obedeció; sufriendo y muriendo por nosotros y nosotras.

Tu lo levantaste para regir el mundo y le diste un nombre sobre todo nombre. Lo alabamos y te glorificamos, gran Dios, nuestro creador eterno.  Ahora oramos para que nos des tu Santo Espíritu cuando partimos el pan, para que por tu poder seamos  todos unidos en tu hijo Jesucristo quien es el camino, la verdad y la vida.

Con creyentes en Jesucristo a través de todas las épocas, levantamos nuestro corazón hacia ti, dando gracias y confiando en ti para que nos uses como tu pueblo. Por Jesucristo nuestro Salvador.

Todos/as + All:  Amén.

Distribution of the elements/Distribución de los elementos
Songs/Cantos:  Eat this bread (Taizé)
Hallelujah! We sing your praises (South African traditional)  Spanish in LLC 
The Peace/La Paz
Canto:  Hevenu shalom alechem (Israeli traditional/Hebrew traditional, Spanish source unknown, English EM)
Postlude/Posludio:  Fanfare (Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens)

*languages are alternated with the opposite language projected on the screens.
**Santo Salvadoreño

Soprano cantor
Tenor cantor
Tenor/Bass guitar