Sunday, July 27, 2014

14.07.27 Ordinary Time 17A Bilingual

Song/Canto:  Od yavo shalom (Seva)
Welcome and Milestones/Bienvenido y Aconticimientos
Song/Canto:  God grant them many years/Dios muchos años dales (Russian polychronia)
Songfest/Fiesta de canciones:  Back to zero (Tim Gibbs Zehnder & Tom Zehnder)
Libre sere (Jonathan Hernandez)
Climb that mountain (Tom Zehnder & Tim Gibbs Zehnder)
The Peace/La Paz
Song/Canto:  La paz de Dios sea contigo (Creación colectiva, Matanzas, Cuba / World Council of Churches)*
Postlude/Posludio:  Dir, dir, Jehova (Sigfrid Karg-Elert)

*seasonal for Ordinary Time

Soprano cantor
Tenor cantor
Tenor/bass guitar

27 de julio de 2014 + July 27, 2014
Adorando Todos/as Juntos/as + All Together Worship

Song of Worship and Praise +
Canto de Adoración y Alabanza
Od yavo shalom aleinu
///Od yavo shalom aleinu///
v’al kulam.
///Od yavo shalom aleinu///
v’al kulam.
//Salaam aleinu v’al kol ha’olam
salaam, salaam.//

Let us hope for peace among us
que sera paz.
Let us pray for peace among us
que sera paz.
Let us work for peace among us
que sera paz.
///Shalom  for us and everyone in the world,
shalom a todos.///

///Od yavo shalom aleinu///
v’al kulam.

Prayer + Oración

Welcome and Milestones +
Bienvenida y Acontecimientos

7/28 Jose Haro

God grant them many years + Dios muchos años dales

Songfest + Fiesta de canciones
Back to Zero
Tim Gibbs Zehnder & Tom Zehnder

Libre Sere
Jonathan Hernandez

Climb That Mountain
Tom Zehnder & Tim Gibbs Zehnder

The Peace + La Paz
One + Uno/a:  The peace of Christ be with you all.
All + Todos/as:  And also with you.
Uno/a + One:  La paz de Cristo esté con ustedes.
Todos/as + All:  Y con tu espíritu.

Song + Canto
La paz de Dios sea contigo + The peace of God be always with you
La paz de Dios sea contigo,
querida amigo, sea contigo.
Con este abrazo nos unimos,
querida amiga, en el camino.
//Hacia la paz y el verdad,
hacia el amor y la amistad.//

The peace of God be always with you,
beloved brother, God’s peace go with you.
With this embrace we are united,
beloved sister, while on the journey.
//And may your journey bring you peace,
may truth and love attend your way.//

Blessing + Bendición

Postlude + Posludio

14.07.27 Ordinary Time 17A Reflection

Jesus pointed to something he called God’s domain, something he did not create, something he did not control. I want to discover what Jesus saw, or heard, or sensed that was so enchanting, so mesmerizing, so challenging that it held Jesus in its spell. And I do not want to be misled by what his followers did: instead of looking to see what he saw, his devoted disciples tended to stare at the pointing finger.

Robert W. Funk, Honest to Jesus: Jesus for a New Millennium

14.07.27 Ordinary Time 17A English

Prelude:  Kule Mbinguni Nataka Kwenda (The Way to Jesus) (Kinga tune, arr. Carl Heine)
Hymn:  Lord, you give the great commission (Jeffery Rowthorn / ABBOT’S LEIGH, Cyril V. Taylor)*
Call to Worship
Hymn:  Christ comes to us as one unheard (J. Marshall / EM)
Prayer of Confession
Song of Praise:  I am that great and fiery force (Hildegard of Bingen / EM)*
Prayer of the Day
Gospel Acclamation:  (Honduras)
Gospel Reading: Matthew 13:24-30
Sermon:  (Brian Gaeta-Symonds)
Song:  The reign of God (Delores Dufner / LAND OF REST, U.S. traditional) 
Prayer of Compassion
Prayer Song:  God be in my head (Sarum Primer / Susan Bloomfield)*
Silent Meditation
Prayers of the People
Offerings (regular and food)
Song:  My shepherd is the living God (Isaac Watts, alt. / Calvin Hampton) (sung by Elyse Willis)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Song:  You are salt for the earth (Marty Haugen)

*Seasonal for Ordinary Time/July


July 27, 2014
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Please stand, all who are able.

Lord, you give the great commission:
"Heal the sick and preach the word."
Lest the Church neglect its mission
and the Gospel go unheard,
help us witness to your purpose
with renewed integrity;
with the Spirit's gifts empower us
for the work of ministry.

Lord, you call us to your service:
"In my name baptize and teach."
That the world may trust your promise,
life abundant meant for each,
give us all new fervor,
draw us closer in community;
with the Spirit's gifts empower us
for the work of ministry.

Lord, you show us love's true measure:
"Father, what they do, forgive."
Yet we hoard as private treasure
all that you so freely give.
May your care and mercy lead us
to a just society;
with the Spirit's gifts empower us
for the work of ministry.

Lord, you bless with words assuring:
"I am with you to the end."
Faith and hope and love restoring,
may we serve as you intend,
and, amid the cares that claim us,
hold in mind eternity;
with the Spirit's gifts empower us
for the work of ministry.

Call to Worship
One:  The Creator has planted seeds in all of us,
All:  May we nurture good deeds and loving-kindness.
One:  Jesus is calling us to bear spiritual fruit,
All:  May we bless and build up others for the reign of God.
One:  The Holy Spirit moves in us, encouraging us to grow
All:  May we be nurtured, may we be blessed and may we grow in this time of worship.

Please be seated

1.  Christ comes to us as one unheard
in silences profound,
or marvels of a symphony,
sublimity of sound.

2.  Christ comes to us as one unseen
in beauties of the earth;
a seagull's flight, a sunset sky,
the miracle of birth.

3.  Christ comes to us as one unknown
to share our joys, our pain;
that presence felt, the gift of grace
our peace and hope sustain.

4.  Christ comes to us at every hour
when strength and faith are weak;
the smiles of friends, encircling arms,
of reassurance speak.

5.  Christ comes in unexpected ways,
surprising us with joy,
reminding that the light of love
no darkness can destroy.

6.  Teach us, O Christ, to recognize
your spirit everywhere;
make us aware, responsive, keen,
your love for all to share.

Prayer of Confession

God’s love is unqualified; God’s mercy is ‘ever faithful, ever sure.’

Let us pray.

One:  Holy Spirit, we thank you for the patience you show us, caught up as we are in an ignorance that we do not always recognize, and in complicity with evil that we do not readily face.

Thank you for the saving love of Jesus who embraces us no matter what happens.

All:  There are many occasions when--
we are foolish and impetuous, but you do not leave us,
we are rebellious and stubborn, but you don’t leave us,
we are selfish and arrogant, but you do not leave us,
we are anxious and faithless, but you do not leave us,
we are indifferent and prayerless, but you do not leave us.

—silent reflection—

One:  We thank you gracious God, that though in this world we are often forced to compete with each other for many things, it is never so with your inclusive, redeeming love. Your forgiveness is never withheld from any individual that turns to you in repentant faith. Thank you for including us today. Through Jesus Christ our Savior.
All:  Amen!

One:  The peace of the Lord Jesus be always with you.
All:  And also with you!

Please stand, all who are able.

Song of Praise
1.  I am that great and fiery force
the spark in every thing that lives;
in shining of the river's course,
in greening grass that glory gives.

2.  I shine in glitter on the seas,
in burning sun, in moon and stars.
In unseen wind, in verdant trees
I breathe within, both near and far.

3.  And where I breathe there is no death,
and meadows glow with beauties rife.
I am in all, the spirit's breath,
the thundered word, for I am Life.


Steadfast God,
teach us your way and your truth.
Root us in you alone,
help us to grow in grace and love,
that we may fulfill our role and our work
in the reign of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Gospel Acclamation
All:  Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
Alleluia, alleluia, raise a joyful song to God.
One:  Christ Jesus, make your word plain to us, make our hearts burn with love when you speak.
All:  Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
Alleluia, alleluia, raise a joyful song to God.

Gospel Reading
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Jesus put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone who sowed good seed in his field; but while everybody was asleep, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and then went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared as well. And the slaves of the householder came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where, then, did these weeds come from?’ He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The slaves said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he replied, ‘No; for in gathering the weeds you would uproot the wheat along with them. Let both of them grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Collect the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’” Then he left the crowds and went into the house. And Jesus’s disciples approached him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field.” He answered, “The one who sows the good seed is the Chosen One; the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom; the weeds are the children of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. Just as the weeds are collected and burned up with fire, so will it be at the end of the age.  The Chosen One will send angels, and they will collect out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all evildoers, and they will throw them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father-Mother God. Let anyone with ears listen!

Reader:  The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
All:  Thanks be to God!

Please be seated


Please stand, all who are able.

The reign of God, like farmer’s field,
bears weeds along with wheat;
the good and bad are intertwined
till harvest is complete.

Like mustard tree, the reign of God
from tiny seed will spread,
till birds of every feather come
to nest, and there be fed.

Though hidden now, the reign of God
may, yet unnoticed, grow;
from deep within it rises up,
like yeast in swelling dough.

The reign of God is come in Christ;
the reign of God is near.
Ablaze among us, kindling hearts,
the reign of God is here!

Affirmation:  Christ and the Body of Christ
By John S. Spong
One:  God is real for me, a mystical, undefinable presence that I can experience but never explain.
All:  I experience God as the source of life in the act of living fully.
I experience God as the source of love in the act of loving wastefully.
I experience God as the Ground of Being in the act of having the courage to be.

One:  Jesus is the revelation of this God for me,
not because of miracle stories or excessive pre-modern claims,
but because he is portrayed as one who is fully alive with the life of God,
totally loving with the love of God, and
as one who possesses the capacity to be all that he could be
revealing the very Ground of Being that I call God.

All:  I serve the God that I meet in Jesus,
not by trying to convert others to my way of believing,
but by seeking to transform the world
so that every person might have that God-like capacity
to live fully, to love wastefully and to be all that each person can be.

Please be seated

Prayer Song
God be in my head, and in my understanding;
God be in mine eyes, and in my looking;
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking;
God be in my heart, and in my thinking;
God be at mine end, and at my departing.

Silent Meditation

God of light we praise you for the wonder and glory of this world and the many blessings we have received. Still, at times the darkness is like a night and it feels you have hidden your face from your people. The most vulnerable and innocent among us seem to be hemmed in by violence and conflict. This week we realized that no place is safe—not home, not a 2,000-mile trek through rainforests and deserts, not 30,000 feet up. Yet, we profess that you know all things, count the hair on our heads, and know our rising and our sitting. How can this be?

God we are saddened by the news reports of people taken too soon from this world and we shake our head with disbelief when we see the bodies of children carrying the ravages of war. It seems as though the only ones in the crosshairs of violence are those with no power, little to gain, and much to lose. They pay with the thing you hold most precious, the very breath you breathed into our lungs.

May your Spirit of peace and wisdom descend on the Middle East. May the words and actions of Abram haunt the leaders of Palestine and Israel. May they rescue one another, become great nations, and bless all peoples on earth. Protect the innocent and send prophets among them and their leaders to find a just resolution.

Grant this through Christ our Lord

Wars rage on the ground, the sea, and in the air in the Ukraine, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, and many other places. Families mourn the loss of loved ones and are robbed of hope for a future for their children. Help us see the painful reality that conflict zones cannot be contained. Comfort the grieving and burden the rest of us with this senseless loss of life. Open the way for aid agencies and those offering relief, give them courage and resources to ease the immediate suffering they encounter. 

Grant this through Christ our Lord

Walk with children fleeing homes terrorized by gang violence, crushing poverty, and drug wars. We know they carry a singular hope, to have abundant life that you have promised us. The journey is fraught with danger and uncertainty. Hold them in your arms and nurture the hope planted in them by their families and your Spirit and do not allow it to be crushed by hatred and racism.

Grant this through Christ our Lord

Break our hearts Holy God by the reality that faces so many of your people. Let the scales fall from our eyes so that we may see how our own choices and passive acceptance of U.S. policy contribute to unrest and injustice.

Grant this through Christ our Lord

God grant us the grace and courage to work for all these things that we pray. Help turn sadness into righteous anger and action. May we know your ways, and beat our weapons of destruction into instruments of reconciliation and creation. It is an honor to be agents of your peace so that this world will know and confess your name.

[The Reverend Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
Ruling Elder Heath K. Rada, Moderator, 221st General Assembly (2014)
Ruling Elder Linda Bryant Valentine, Executive Director, Presbyterian Mission Agency]

News of the People
Not on ppt:
Welcome cards
Service concludes with bilingual celebration
8/2 Women’s gathering
8/9 Potluck and talent show

(regular and food)

My shepherd is the living God (Calvin Hampton)
sung by Elyse Willis

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Please stand, all who are able.

1.  You are salt for the earth, O people:
salt for the reign of God!
Share the flavor of life, O people:
life in the City of God.
Bring forth the reign of mercy,
bring forth the reign of peace;
bring forth the reign of justice,
bring forth the City of God!

2.  You are a light on a hill, O people:
light for the City of God!
Shine so holy and bright, O people:
shine for the City of God.
Bring forth the reign of mercy,
bring forth the reign of peace;
bring forth the reign of justice,
bring forth the City of God!

3.  You are a seed of the Word, O people:
bring forth the reign of God!
Seeds of mercy and seeds of justice
grow in the City of God.
Bring forth the reign of mercy,
bring forth the reign of peace;
bring forth the reign of justice,
bring forth the City of God!

4.  We are a blessed and a pilgrim people:
bound for the reign of God!
Love our journey and love our homeland:
love is the City of God!
Bring forth the reign of mercy,
bring forth the reign of peace;
bring forth the reign of justice,
bring forth the City of God!

//I ‘ve got a crown up in-a the Kingdom
Ain’t-a that good news.//
I’m going to lay down this world
Going to shoulder up my cross
Goin’ to take it home to Jesus
Ain’t-a that good news

//I ‘ve got a harp up in-a the Kingdom
Ain’t-a that good news.//
I’m going to lay down this world
Going to shoulder up my cross
Goin’ to take it home to Jesus
Ain’t-a that good news

//I ‘ve  got a robe up in-a the Kingdom
Ain’t-a that good news.//
I’m going to lay down this world
Going to shoulder up my cross
Goin’ to take it home to Jesus
Ain’t-a that good news

//I ‘ve got a Savior in-a the Kingdom
Ain’t-a that good news.//
I’m going to lay down this world
Going to shoulder up my cross
Goin’ to take it home to Jesus
Ain’t-a that good news

Sunday, July 20, 2014

14.07.20 Ordinary Time 13A Bilingual

Song/Canto:  Cantemos al Creador (Carlos Rosa)
Welcome and Milestones/Bienvenido y Aconticimientos
Song/Canto:  God grant them many years/Dios muchos años dales (Russian polychronia)
Song/Canto:  Arriba los corazones (Panamá)
Invitation to the table/Invitación a la mesa
Prayer of Thanksgiving/Acción de gracias
Sanctus:  Land of Rest
Songs/Cantos:  Eat this bread (Taizé)
Hallelujah! We sing your praises (South Africa)
The Peace/La Paz
Song/Canto:  La paz de Dios sea contigo (Creación colectiva, Matanzas, Cuba/World Council of Churches)
Postlude/Posludio:  Overtura (Francisco Durante)

Soprano cantor
Tenor cantor
Tenor/bass guitar

20 de julio de 2014 + July 20, 2014
Adorando Todos/as Juntos/as + All Together Worship

Song of Worship and Praise +
Canto de Adoración y Alabanza
Cantemos al Creador + Oh, sing to God above
Cantemos al Creador un himno de alegría,
feliz canción de amor, al nacer el nuevo día.
Dios hizo el cielo y mar, el sol y las estrellas,
Y en ellos vio bondad, pues sus obras eran bellas.
// ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! Cantemos al Creador. ¡Aleluya!//

Oh, sing to God above a hymn of joyful greeting,
A song of grateful love in the new day’s light repeating:
God made the sun and sky,the sun and stars in splendor;
Delight shone in God’s eye—all God’s works were filled with wonder.
//Alleluia, alleluia!  O sing to God above, alleluia!//

Cantemos al Creador un himno de alabanza
que exprese nuestro amor, nuestra fe, nuestra esperanza;
También la creación pregona su grandeza;
con nuestro fiel cantar  anunciamos su belleza.
// ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! Cantemos al Creador. ¡Aleluya!//

Prayer + Oración

Welcome and Milestones +
Bienvenida y Acontecimientos

7/20 Maria Jimenez
7/25 Surekha Baker
7/25 Elizabeth Herrera
7/26 Ana Maria Vargas

God grant them many years + Dios muchos años dales


Offerings + Ofrendas
Song + Canto
Arriba los Corazones
Arriba los corazones, vayamos todos al pan de vida,
que es fuente de gloria eterna, de fortaleza y de alegría.

A ti acudimos sedientos, ¡ven, Jesús!
tenemos fe en tu misterio, ¡ven, Jesús!
Queremos darte la vida, ¡ven, Jesús!
con sus dolores y dichas, ¡ven, Jesús!

We lift up our hearts in gladness, as we now gather, one faith professing,
our life-giving Bread, the Source of our future Glory, brings strength and blessing.

Forgive our sins and our failings:  Jesus, come!
Remember us in your mercy:  Jesus, come!
The strength we need we will find here:  Jesus, come!
To bring forigveness to others:  Jesus, come!

Arriba los corazones, vayamos todos al pan de vida,
que es fuente de gloria eterna, de fortaleza y de alegría.

Que no haya luchas fraternas, ¡ven, Jesús!
ni esclavitud, ni miserias, ¡ven, Jesús!
aparta el odio del mundo, ¡ven, Jesús!
que exista un orden más justo, ¡ven, Jesús!    

We lift up our hearts in gladness, as we now gather, one faith professing,
our life-giving Bread, the Source of our future Glory, brings strength and blessing.

Invitation to the Table + Invitación a la Mesa

Prayer of Thanksgiving + Acción de gracias
Uno/a:  Dios habita en ustedes.
Todos/as:  Y también en ti.
One:  Come to the table with thankful hearts.
All:  We open our hearts to God and to one another.


Uno/a:  O Dios creativo, fuente de toda la vida y fundamento de nuestro ser, eres la energia vibrante bailando al centro del universo.  Te mueves a través de nosotros, y de dejas conocer por medio de nosotros también.  Como co-creadores contigo, encontramos la valentía para mover más allá de nosotros mismos, para dejar atrás los caminos viejos y abrazar la nueva vida. 

And so, in concert with those of every generation who have been touched by your redeeming love, we lift our praise to you.

One + Uno/a:  Holy, holy, holy Lord God of power and might; heaven and earth are full of your glory.  Hosanna in the highest.
All + Todos/as:  Hosanna in the highest.
Uno/a + One:  Bendito aquel que viene en el nombre de Dios.  Hosana en los cielos.  Hosana en los cielos.
Todos/as + All:  Hosana en los cielos.  Hosana en los cielos.

One:  From the beginning we did not trust you when you called us “good.” In our arrogance, we placed ourselves outside your garden of love. Separate from you, vulnerable and unprotected, we feared one another and our diversity. Ashamed of our humanity, and afraid of being ourselves, we distrusted your Word of love and forgiveness. But you did not abandon us to our isolation and despair. You sent your servant Jesus, baptized him with your Spirit, and infused him with your love and confidence. Healing, teaching, and sharing table with all manner of individuals, Jesus proclaimed your love for all humanity and called us forth to be ourselves.

Respira a través de nosotros, Dios, que nuestros cuerpos, mentes, almas y espíritus puedan ser llenados con la presencia generosa de tu vida.  Haznos de nuevo como un pueblo santo, fuertemente conectado contigo, firmament arraigado en la tierra, con ojos para reconocer lo sagrado en toda la vida.  Danos poder para esparcir la luz de Cristo en nuestro complejo y maravilloso mundo. 

Todos/as:  Amén.


Uno/a:  Creative God, source of life and ground of our being, you are the vibrant energy dancing at the center of the universe!  Through us you move, and through us you are made known to the world.  Co-creators with you, we are emboldened to move beyond ourselves, to find the courage to let go of old ways and welcome new life. 

Así que, en concierto con personas de todas la generaciones que tú has tocado con el amor redentor, elevamos nuestra alabanza hacia tí.

One + Uno/a:  Holy, holy, holy Lord God of power and might; heaven and earth are full of your glory.  Hosanna in the highest.
All + Todos/as:  Hosanna in the highest.
Uno/a + One:  Bendito aquel que viene en el nombre de Dios.  Hosana en los cielos.  Hosana en los cielos.
Todos/as + All:  Hosana en los cielos.  Hosana en los cielos.

Uno/a:  Desde el principio no confiamos en tí cuando nos llamaste “buenos/as.” En nuestra arrogancia, nos pusimos fuera de tu jardín de amor.  Separados de ti, vulnerables y desprotegidos/as, nos hemos temido los unos a los otros, y hemos desconfiado en nuestra diversidad.  Apenados de nuestra humanidad y miedosos de ser quienes somos,  desconfiamos de tu Palabra de amor y perdón.  Pero tú no nos abandonaste a nuestro aislamiento y desesperación.  Nos enviaste tu servidor, Jesús; lo bautizaste con tu Espíritu y lo infundiste con tu amor y confianza.  Sanidad, enseñanza y compartiendo la mesa con todo tipo de individuales, Jesús proclamó tu amor por toda la humanidad y nos llamó a ser quienes somos.

Breathe through us, God, that our bodies, minds, souls and spirits may be filled with your life-giving presence.  Make us again a holy people, strongly bound to you, firmly rooted in the earth, with eyes to see all life as sacred.  Empower us to spread the light of Christ in our complex and wondrous world. 

All:  Amen.


Our Father-Mother in heaven,
hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread;
forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and forever.

Padre y Madre nuestro que estás en los cielos,
santificado sea tu nombre.

Venga tu reino.
Hágase tu voluntad,
en la tierra como en el cielo.

Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día,
y perdona nuestra ofensas,
como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.

Y no nos dejes caer en tentación,
mas libranos de mal.

Porque tuyo es el reino,
el poder, y la gloria,
por todos los siglos.

[blank slide here for words of institution]

Distribution of the Elements + Distribución de los Elementos

Communion Songs + Cantos de comunión
Eat this bread + Come esta pan
Eat this bread, drink this cup,
come to me and never be hungry.
Eat this bread, drink this cup,
trust in me and you will not thirst.

Come este pan, bebe este copa,
come y no más tendrás hambre.
Come este pan, bebe este copa,
bebe y no más tendrás sed.

Hallelujah!  We sing your praises + ¡Aleluya! te bendecimos
//Hallelujah!  We sing your praises, all our hearts are filled with gladness.//
Christ the Lord to us said:  I am wine, I am bread,
I am wine, I am bread, give to all who thirst and hunger.

//¡Aleluya!  te bendecimos, eres nuestra alegría//
Ya nos manda a salir, fuertes en nuestra fe,
fuertes en nuestra fe, anunciando la palabra.

//Hallelujah!  We sing your praises, all our hearts are filled with gladness.//
Jesus says to us still, “All who do the Lord’s will,
all who do the Lord’s will are my sisters and my brothers.”

¡Aleluya!  te bendecimos, eres nuestra alegría.
Hallelujah!  We sing your praises, all our hearts are filled with gladness.

Prayer + Oración

The Peace + La Paz
One + Uno/a:  The peace of Christ be with you all.
All + Todos/as:  And also with you.
Uno/a + One:  La paz de Cristo esté con ustedes.
Todos/as + All:  Y con tu espíritu.

Song + Canto
La paz de Dios sea contigo + The peace of God be always with you
La paz de Dios sea contigo,
querida amigo, sea contigo.
Con este abrazo nos unimos,
querida amiga, en el camino.
//Hacia la paz y el verdad,
hacia el amor y la amistad.//

The peace of God be always with you,
beloved brother, God’s peace go with you.
With this embrace we are united,
beloved sister, while on the journey.
//And may your journey bring you peace,
may truth and love attend your way.//

Blessing + Bendición

Postlude + Posludio