Sunday, April 29, 2012

12.04.29 Easter 4B English

Prelude:  Pastorale, op. 19 (César Franck)
Hymn:  Easter Gloria (Marty Haugen/O FILII ET FILIAE, traditional French) GC **
Call to Worship
One: Listen, God is calling you!
All: We hear the cries of the hungry children in our community and around our world.
One: Look, God is seeking you!
All: We see the homeless in our streets and shelters in need.
One: Reach out, God is taking your hand!
All: We feel the hands of youth reaching out in need of help, guidance and friendship.
One: Search your heart, God is calling you!
All: The home-bound and the sick are in need of our prayers and companionship.
One: Listen, God is calling you!
All: We hear You, O God! We see You, O God! We feel You and we perceive You, O God!
Come, let us worship God, who calls us into this world to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.
Song:  It all depends (Colin Gibson) source
Prayer of Confession
Let us come to God, trusting the tireless mercy which ever awaits us. Let us pray.

One:  God our most holy Friend, we come before you as wanderers who need to come home to familiar ground and saving grace.
All:  God have mercy. 

One:  We come compromised from seeking a living in a ruthless world, in need of facing our failures and regaining our bearings.
All:  Christ have mercy.

One:  We come seeking that shepherd-love that gives back sanity and self respect; the shepherd-love that gives second chances, and new lives.
All:  Lord have mercy. 

One:  And now, holy Friend, please lift us out of our pre-occupation with our own needs
All:  Allow us to trust you with all that is past and to commit to you all that is to come.

One:  Make us joyful in all the goodness we have received from your hands.
All:  And let us seek the same grace and joy for those who live and work beside us.

One:  Create in us a new gratitude for all people who are loving, true and beautiful.
All:  Awaken in us a longing for the qualities of Christ Jesus

One:  Please make us aware of the mighty crowd of people surrounding us, both past and present, and all those who are yet to come, who trust, love and worship you, world without end.
All:  Through Christ Jesus our Saviour. Amen!

—Silent reflection—

One:  Family of the Most High God, by the priceless mercy of Christ we are a new breed, forgiven and restored to declare the wonderful works of the God who brings us out of darkness into light.
All:  Thanks be to God!
Song of Praise:  Psalm 34, verse 1 (adapted John Bell/TALLA CRIOSDH, traditional Scots Gaelic) * **
Prayer of the Day
Gentle Shepherd, we know Your voice. We know Your call upon our lives. Open our ears and our hearts to answer Your call and to follow You, even when it is difficult, even when we do not want to. Help us to turn away from the voices of the world that call us to want more, to desire what others have, to work for earthly success. Call us again so we can hear Your voice and see Your face in the faces of our neighbors around us, so that we can help lead others to still waters and green pastures, where all have enough to eat and live. May we work towards Your vision of justice and peace in our world. In the name of Christ, our Good Shepherd, we pray. Amen.
Psalm 23
Alleluia  (Indonesia)
Gospel Reading:  John 10:11-18
Sermon:  Shepherding 101
Song:  Jesus the Christ says (based on the Gospel of John/Urdu traditional) NCH and internet

Affirmation of Faith
One:  We choose not to give in to fear:
All:  Even when we are threatened by violence and abuse,
we choose to believe in the power of love.

One:  We choose not to be led by despair:
All:  Even when dreams fail and the world seems to grow colder and more broken,
we choose to believe in the power of hope.

One:  We choose not to be blinded by cynicism:
All:  Even when joy and celebration feel naïve and frivolous,
we choose to believe in the power of faith.

One:  We choose not to be over-awed by death:
All:  Even when grief shuts out all other voices,
we choose to believe in the power of life.

One:  In every time,
in each place,
with all people,
All:  may your resurrection rise up within us,
and lead us to new, creative, healing choices.
Prayer Song:  Psalm 34, verse 3 (adapted John Bell/TALLA CRIOSDH, traditional Scots Gaelic) * **
Prayers of the People
Offerings (regular and food)
Song:  My shepherd is the living God (Isaac Watts/Calvin Hampton) ms.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn:  We are on the road (South African traditional)

*A cappella, the congregation singing the two supporting parts and the soprano cantor singing the melody.
** seasonal songs (Easter)

Tenor/Bass Guitar

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