Sunday, June 24, 2012

12.06.24 Ordinary 12B English

Prelude:  Andantino quasi allegretto (from Symphony V) (Charles-Marie Widor)
Song:  When the Christ walked the earth (John Bell, alt./PERSONENT HODIE, Medieval German) GC *
Call to Worship RAEH
One:  Come along with me as a sojourner in faith.
Bring along a sense of expectancy
a sense of high hopes
a glimpse of future possibility
a vivid imagination.
For God's creation is not done.
All:  We are called to pioneer forth toward a future yet unnamed.
As we venture forward
we leave behind our desires for
a no-risk life,
worldly accumulations,
certainty of answers.
One:  Let us travel light in the spirit of faith and expectation
toward the God of our hopes and dreams.
All:  Let us be a witness to God's future breaking in.
One:  Come along with me as a sojourner in faith
secure in the knowledge
that we never travel alone.
One:  We pray:
Calling God, you have gathered us into this community.
A place has been made for each of us.
Let what we say and do here
be real for us and honest to your creativity,
and prepare us for the life of the world.
Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 (Isaac Everett) TEP
Prayer of Confession Rev
One:  God of the Seedtime and Harvest, God who plants and sows, we confess that we have not lived into our created potential.
All:  We have focused on ourselves instead of the wholeness of humanity and creation. We have been concerned about our own growth instead of understanding the needs of those around us and around the world. We have failed to see that life grows beyond death and have been solely focused on our desires in this world, on life now.
One:  Forgive us for our short-sightedness.
All:  Forgive us for not participating in the fullness of Your created world, and forgive us for not understanding our role as stewards of Your harvest. In the name of Christ, who prunes the vine so that we might bear fruit, we pray. Amen.

—Silent reflection—

One:  If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
All:  We are reconciled to God. We are forgiven. We are loved. Amen.
Song of Praise:  Playful God (Andrew Pratt/EM) *
Prayer of the Day BDP
God our creator and provider,
please continue to sow us with Gospel seed,
and cultivate it with your own secretive care.

While we work or rest, play or sleep,
let the word and way of Christ Jesus
continue to grow within us,
that when the season is right,
we may produce a harvest
that brings joy to you
and a blessing to those around us.

Through Christ Jesus,
who with you and the Holy Spirit
are to be loved, served and worshipped,
as the one God,
forever and ever.
Sh'ma Israel (Tsvika Pik)
Reading from Hebrew Scripture:  Ezekiel 17:22-24 (Ordinary 11B lectionary)
(Howard Hughes) WOR

Gospel Reading: Mark 4:26-32 (Ordinary 11B lectionary)
Sermon:  Seeds of love
Song:  Jesus Christ, hope of the world (Edmundo Reinhardt/João Carlos Gottinari) LLC
Affirmation of Faith BDP
I believe in the God of our Lord Jesus Christ who has never ceased working within creation.

I believe in the Gospel of Christ with its own intrinsic potency, able to take root in unlikely places and produce fruit where other creeds fail.

I believe in the Spirit who accompanies us in work as well as prayer, and who blesses us both through strenuous endeavours and to quiet retreats.

I believe in reaping where I have not sown, in sowing where I shall not be able to reap, and in sleeping while Another works wonders with the little I have been able to accomplish in one brief day.

I believe that no seed certified by my Lord will ever be wasted when sown with love, and even in the hostile terrain, instead of briars will come up the grape vine, and instead of thistles will come up golden corn.

The Word that goes out of the mouth of our Lord will never return empty. This I believe.  This I believe because the Word continues to work its grace-changes, even in me.

Prayer Song:  Tui amoris ignem (Taizé) *
Prayers of the People

Song:  Si tuviera fe (Carlos Witt, English EM) **
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Song:  Bring forth the kingdom (Marty Haugen) NCH

*seasonal for Ordinary Time/June
**introduced by the music team in Spanish, then sung by all in English.  Click here to hear this song

Tenor/Bass Guitar

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