Sunday, June 3, 2012

12.06.03 Trinity B English

Prelude:  Méditations sur la Sainte Trinité:  1. Le père; 2. Le fils (Jean Langlais)
Hymn:  She comes with mother's kindnesses (Kathy Galloway & M. R. Ritley/KINGSFOLD, English folk song) MfL
Call to Worship (John Robinson, 1620, alt.)
One:  We limit not the truth of God
to our poor reach of mind,

All:  By notions of our day and sect,
Crude, partial and confined.

One:  No, let a new and better hope
Within our hearts be stirred:
All:  For God hath yet more light and truth
To break forth from God’s Word!
Song:  How wonderful the three-in-one (Brian Wren/PROSPECT, Southern Harmony) NS
Prayer of Confession LL
Feel the Spirit of God moving in your soul. Listen
to the Spirit speaking to you of hope and wholeness.
Trust the promises God has made that new life is
our inheritance. Join me as we open ourselves to
God's healing Spirit, as we pray, saying
One:  Spirit of God:
you come, aflame with new life,
but our apathy threatens to douse your passion;
you come, on fire with love,
yet we limit our affections to a select few;
you come, surging with new dreams and new hopes,
but we still cling to the old ways of living;
you come, glowing with the vision of the kingdom,
yet we close our eyes to your future.

All:  Forgive us, Spirit of Truth, forgive us.
Come to us, anew, this day:
to shatter our hardened hearts with your tenderness;
to set our souls on fire with your love;
to send us into a world which aches
for the new joy, the new hope, the new life
offered in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

—Silent reflection—

One:  With a gentle breeze God enflames our spirits;
with a strong wind, God reminds us of our
need to forgive and be forgiven. Like a cleansing
storm, God takes away our past, revealing the
fresh, new life which is ours.
All:  Awakened, refreshed, renewed, made whole:
now we can dance with the wind, singing our
praises to the One who gives life to all.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
Song of Praise:  Playful God (Andrew Pratt/EM) **
Prayer of the Day
Perplexing, Pentecostal God,
you infuse us with your Spirit,
urging us to vision and dream.
May the gift of your presence
find voice in our lives,
that our babbling may be transformed into discernment
and the flickering of many tongues
light an unquenchable fire of compassion and justice.  Amen.

Sh'ma Israel (Max Helfman)
Reading from Hebrew Scripture:  Proverbs 8:21-36 (non-lectionary)
Alleluia (Howard Hughes) WOR **
Gospel Reading:  John 16:13-15 (non-lectionary)
Sermon:  Proverbial Wisdom
Hymn:  Hark! Wisdom's urgent cry (Jann Aldredge-Clanton/DIADEMATA, George J. Elvey)
Litany of the names of the Trinity 
One:  As we worship,
All:  the triune God is the One From Whom, the One through Whom, and the One in Whom we offer our praise.

One:  As we seek God’s grace and wholeness, acknowledging the sin and brokenness in us, our human communities, and the whole creation,
All:  the triune God is our Rainbow of Promise, our Ark of Salvation, and our Dove of Peace.

One:  As we read, proclaim, hear, and live out the message of scripture,
All:  the triune God is known to us as Speaker, Word, and Breath.

One:  As we are born anew by water and the Spirit,
All:  the triune God is Compassionate Mother, Beloved Child, and Life-giving Womb.

One:  As we grow in grace,
All:  the triune God is our Sun, Light, and Burning Ray.

One:  As we offer ourselves, our resources, and our gratitude in stewardship and Eucharist,
All:  the triune God is Giver, Gift, and Giving.

One:  In celebrating the communion of our life together in Christ,
All:  the triune God is Lover, Beloved, and the Love and binds together Lover and Beloved.
Prayer Song:  O Wisdom breathed from God ("O" Antiphons and New Century Hymnal editors; CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM, Sarum chant) NCH
Prayers of the People
Song:  Where the Spirit is (Per Harling) WCC

*taught "echo" style by the cantor.
**seasonal for June

Tenor/Bass Guitar

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