Sunday, July 29, 2012

12.07.29 Ordinary 17B English

Prelude:  Præludium in E Major (Vincent Lübeck)
Hymn:  God of justice (Shirley Erena Murray/RHUDDLAN, John Evans) * 
Call to Worship RAEH
One: We are poor and rich
All: We are young and old
One: We are of many cultures
All: We are of many colors and backgrounds
One: We are of all kinds of families
All: We have different jobs and educations
One: We are one people
All: We are God’s people
One: Come, let us worship our One God.
All: Come, let us celebrate the diversity of God’s creation in us by worshiping God together.
Song:  Come now, O Prince of peace (Gyeong Lee/O-SO-SO, Gyeong Lee)
Prayer of Confession Rev
All:  God of All Nations, we confess that we have tried to keep You for ourselves. We have claimed to have the truth against others. We have kept others out who do not believe as we do. We have cast out those who are different than us, especially people who make us uncomfortable.

Forgive us, O God, for not seeing Your face in the face of others. Forgive us, O God, for not loving our neighbor as ourselves. Forgive us most of all for failing to see each other as ourselves, as our brothers and sisters, for failing to see others as You see all of us—Your children.

Call us out of our comfort zones, O God, and into Your world, so that we might be the light of the world You have called us to be. In the name of the One who lived and died and lives again, for all people; we pray in Christ’s name, Amen.

—Silent reflection—

One:  We are no longer strangers and aliens, we are citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone. We are a dwelling place for God.
All:  We are forgiven, loved and restored. Amen.
Song of Praise:  Ain't-a that good news (African-American Spiritual/EM) *
Prayer of the Day BDP

God of Christ Jesus and our God, bless us as we assemble in this temple of praise,
help us to know that we are not strangers but members of your family.

In your presence let us be like children arriving home, like miners discovering new veins of gold, like musicians enraptured with a composition, like lovers who look into the eyes of the beloved and glimpse infinity.

May our joy exceed our knowledge, and our love stretch our worship to the utmost limit. Through Christ Jesus our light and salvation.
Sh'ma Israel (Tsvika Pik)
Psalm 90:1-2
Reading from the Early Church: Ephesians 2:19-22
Sermon:  Home: Where God is waiting
Hymn:  Christ is made the sure foundation (John Mason Neale/REGENT SQUARE, Henry T. Smart) 
Affirmation of Faith
One:  In every place and every time, in every relationship and every interaction,
All:  You are God.

One:  You are God to the poor and to the wealthy,
All:  to the weak and to the powerful;
One:  You are God to the believer and to the doubter,
All:  to the religious and to the atheist;
One:  You are God to the courageous and to the fearful,
All:  to the fighter and to the peacemaker;
One:  You are God to the leader and to the follower,
All:  to the parent and to the child;

One:  You are God to all,
All:  and Your grace and love extends to all.
One:  And while we may seek to keep You to ourselves, while we may try to hoard Your blessings,
All:  You have come to all, You are available to all, and all who want You will find that You are there.

One:  We praise You that our small self-interests are not enough to keep You from being the great and all-embracing God that You are.
All:  Amen.
Prayer Song:  Dona nobis pacem (Taizé)
Prayers of the People
Offerings (regular and food) 
Song:  Our Father-Mother, who art in heaven (The Lord's Prayer/West Indian traditional) UMH, alt.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Song:  Travel on (Sydney Carter) WCC

*seasonal for Ordinary Time/July

Tenor cantor/guitar/percussion
Tenor cantor/bass guitar/percussion

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