Sunday, January 27, 2013

13.01.27 Ordinary Time 3A Bilingual

Songs/Cantos:  Many are the lightbeams (Cyprian of Carthage / Olle Widestrand)
This is my commandment (African-American)
Praise the Lord (Cameroonian)
Song/Canto:  Here I am, Lord (Dan Schutte)
Welcome and Milestones/Bienvenido y Aconticimientos
Song/Canto:  God grant them many years/Dios muchos años dales (Russian polychronia)
Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons/Ordinación y Instalación de los/as Ancianos/as y Diaconos/isas
The Peace/La Paz
Song/Canto:  Walk in the light (Swahili)*
Postlude/Posludio:  Wedding March IV (Ernest Bloch)

*seasonal for Ordinary Time

Soprano cantor
Tenor cantor
Tenor/bass guitar

27 de enero de 2013 + January 27, 2013
Adorando Todos/as Juntos/as + All Together Worship

Songs of Worship and Praise + Cantos de Adoración y Alabanza
Many are the light beams + Muchos resplandores
Many are the light beams from the one light.
Our one light is Jesus.
Many are the light beams from the one light;
we are one in Christ.

Muchos resplandores, sólo una luz;
es la luz de Cristo.
Muchos resplandores, sólo una luz
que nos hace uno.

Many are the branches of the one tree.
Our one tree is Jesus.
Many are the branches of the one tree;
we are one in Christ.

Muchas son las ramas, un árbol hay,
y su tronco es Cristo.
Muchos son los ramas, un tronco hay
y en el somos uno.

Many are the members, the body is one;
members all of Jesus.
Many are the members, the body is one;
we are one in Christ.

Muchos son los miembros, un cuerpo hay,
ese cuerpo es Cristo.
Muchos son los miembros, un cuerpo hay
y en Él somos uno.

This is my commandment + Es mi mandamiento
This is my commandment, that you love one another,
love one another, love one another.
This is my commandment that you love one another.
This is the will of God.

Es mi mandamiento que os ameis unos á otros,
unos á otros, unos á otros.
Es mi mandamiento que os ameis unos á otros.
Es voluntad de Diós.

Praise, praise, praise the Lord + Ale, Aleluya, aleluyas a nuestro Dios
Praise, praise, praise the Lord!  Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!
Praise, praise, praise the Lord!  Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!
Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!  Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!
Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!  Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!

Ale, aleluya, aleluyas a nuestro Dios
Ale, aleluya, aleluyas a nuestro Dios
Alabemos su santo nombre, Alabemos su santo nombre
Alabemos su santo nombre, Alabemos su santo nombre

Praise, praise, praise the Lord!  Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!
Praise, praise, praise the Lord!  Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!
Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!  Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!
Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!  Praise God’s holy name.  Alleluia!

Prayer + Oración

Canto + Song
Here I am +  Heme Aquí
I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin my hand will save.
I who made the stars of night, I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?  Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord.  Is it I, Lord?  I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.  I will hold your people in my heart.

Yo, creador de lluvia y flor, por mi pueblo en su aflicción,
he llorado su amargor Lejos están. La dureza de su ser, en amor convertiré.
Mi palabra lo hará. Oh ¿quien irá?

Heme aquí, Dios ¿Tú me llamas? En la noche escuché tu voz,
con tu guía y con tu apoyo, sostendré a tu pueblo con amor.

I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame,
I will set a feast for them.  My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.  Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord.  Is it I, Lord?  I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.  I will hold your people in my heart.

Welcome + Bienvenida

God grant them many years + Dios muchos años dales

Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons + Ordinación y Instalación de los/as ancianos/as y diaconos/isas

The Peace + La Paz
One + Uno/a:  The peace of Christ be with you all.
All + Todos/as:  And also with you.
Uno/a + One:  La paz de Cristo esté con ustedes.
Todos/as + All:  Y con tu espíritu.

Song + Canto
Walk in the light + Caminemos en la luz
///Walk in the light,///
walking in the light of God.
///O, caminemos,///
caminemos en la luz.

Walk, walk, walk, walk,
walking in the light of God.
Walk, walk, walk, walk,
walking in the light of God.
Caminemos, caminemos en la luz.
Caminemos, en la luz de Dios.

///Walk in the light,///
walking in the light of God.
///O, caminemos,///
caminemos en la luz.

‘Hamba, hamba, hamba, hamba,
walking in the light of God.
‘Hamba, hamba, hamba, hamba,
walking in the light of God.
‘Hamba, hamba, hamba, hamba,
caminemos en la luz.
‘Hamba, hamba, hamba, hamba,
en la luz de Dios.

///Walk in the light,///
walking in the light of God.
///O, caminemos,///
caminemos en la luz.

///‘Hamba kuka naini///
walking in the light of God.
///’Hamba kuka naini///
caminemos en la luz.

///Walk in the light,///
walking in the light of God.
///O, caminemos,///
caminemos en la luz.

Blessing + Bendición

Postlude + Posludio

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